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21 February 2022
The Australian Trucking Association and Road Freight NSW have made an initial submission to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into Australia’s Maritime Logistics System.
Maritime logistics depends on land transport connections to keep supply chains moving.
Exports do not get to ports without land transport; imports will not get to consumers and businesses.
11 February 2022
The ATA has released its submission to the 2022-2023 federal budget.
The submission calls for an end to the underfunding of  Australia’s crumbling road freight infrastructure and national leadership on the quality of our road network and rest areas. 
We believe the Australian Government must take responsibility for funding and operating all major freight roads through the national highways program. 
18 January 2022

Urgent reform is needed to make electric and zero emission trucks a commercially viable choice for trucking operators, to lower emissions, lower freight costs and improve fuel security.

21 October 2021

The ATA and its members support the truck driver apprenticeship proposal put forward by Australian Industry Standards.

08 September 2021

The ATA and NatRoad support Vision Zero and have raised key priorities that should be fast-tracked by the Australian Parliament

27 August 2021

Truck fuel charges and registration should increase 2 per cent in 2022-23, followed by a 3 per cent increase in each of 2023-24 and 2024-25, the ATA says.

23 August 2021

Urban and strategic planning for industrial land in Greater Sydney must prioritise trucking and freight operations, the ATA and RFNSW argue in this joint submission.

06 August 2021

The ATA, ALRTA and AFRA welcome the exemption from new regulation for add on transport and delivery insurance products but call for clarification of incidental storage.

30 June 2021

The ATA’s submission to the Safer Freight Vehicles discussion paper calls for increased truck width rules to allow for the uptake of zero emission trucks.

16 June 2021

Truck driver medical standards should be improved to save lives on Australian roads.
