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20 December 2019

The ATA submission to the 2020-21 Federal Budget has called on Government to back small businesses, support regional Australia and deliver lower taxes.

05 December 2019

Urgent action is needed to improve industry safety, the ATA said in its submission to the Senate inquiry on the importance of a viable, safe, sustainable and efficient road transport industry.

28 November 2019

The ATA’s submission to the Inquiry into growing Australian Agriculture to $100 billion by 2030 highlights the importance of trucking to agriculture.

15 November 2019

The 2019 Australian Infrastructure Audit makes several important findings on our freight networks and the challenges that they face. The findings by Infrastructure Australia highlight a number of issues and priorities that are well known to the Australian trucking industry.

The ATA submission to Infrastructure Australia, following the 2019 Australian Infrastructure Audit, recommends that governments:

01 November 2019

Businesses certified under an approved accreditation scheme – such as TruckSafe – should be deemed to comply with their safety duties under the national truck laws, the ATA submission on assurance models to the national truck law review says.

24 October 2019

The Australian Government should prioritise delivery of a national High Productivity Freight Vehicle (HPFV) network, to reduce the emissions of the road transport task and incentivise the purchase of newer heavy vehicles with the latest emission standards.

09 October 2019

The Australian Government should mandate autonomous emergency braking for new trucks and extend mandatory electronic stability control to new rigid trucks.

18 September 2019

Inconsistent defect notices and inspection policies must be fixed in the new truck laws.

19 August 2019

Any changes to fatigue management in the national truck laws must treat drivers like humans – not machines.

The ATA’s submission on effective fatigue management to the national truck law review calls for more flexible fatigue management, simplified rules and record-keeping, and a reduction in the penalties for work and rest hour record-keeping offences.

16 August 2019

More productive heavy vehicle access is a critical public policy goal that would benefit Australian consumers and businesses. Better access lowers freight costs, which ultimately means more local jobs.

Modelling from Deloitte Access Economics shows that trucking contributes to the cost of everyday consumer goods. For example, trucking makes up 4.4 per cent of the cost of a beer, 4.1 per cent of the cost of fruit and vegetables and 2 per cent of the cost of personal electronics.
