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25 July 2019

Quicker refuelling and greater vehicle range are a potential opportunity for hydrogen fuelled heavy vehicles. However, take up within industry will remain low until refuelling infrastructure is in place, it is demonstrated that whole of life cycle running costs reduce and hydrogen fuel cell heavy vehicles become commercially available.

22 July 2019

The Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) has not driven reductions in transport emissions in the road freight sector as it fails to enable the increased uptake of everyday business practices which would move more freight with less emissions.

11 July 2019

Boosted safety and productivity for the trucking industry must be a priority in the national transport regulatory reform agenda

31 May 2019

The Heavy Vehicle National Law must be substantially redrafted, the ATA’s submission in response to the first issues paper of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) review says.

24 May 2019

The NSW road train modernisation program has, as a result of mandating triaxle converter dollies unreasonably disadvantaged at least the better designed air suspension tandem converter dollies. There does not appear to have been consideration for converter dollies operating in more populous areas where they will likely be subjected to an increased frequency of more “significant” (high pressure) braking events due to actions by other road users. 

16 May 2019

The Heavy Vehicle National Law has failed to achieve its economic objectives, this independent report from Deloitte Access Economics shows. The report puts forward 16 policy suggestions for reforming the law, which would reduce the industry’s vehicle operating costs by 3.7 per cent and save a typical Australian household more than $400 per year.

07 May 2019

The ATA has called for the next Australian Government to take action on fuel security.

The trucking industry depends on diesel. Without diesel to fuel our trucks, Australia’s supermarkets would be empty. 

Australia has signed an international treaty that says we will maintain an emergency stockpile of 90 days worth of liquid fuel. In December 2018, there was only 22 days of diesel in the whole of Australia.

23 April 2019

The Newell Highway Corridor Strategy and the Princes Highway Corridor Strategy are being developed by the Australian Government in partnership with relevant state governments.

The strategies are intended to develop an evidence base for a whole of corridor perspective on the current and future needs, issues and priorities for these important highways. They will also guide future government investment decisions.

17 April 2019

Standards Australia Committee ME057 is reviewing AS 2809 – Road Tank Vehicles for Dangerous Goods. The ATA has submitted comments to the draft documents of parts 1 and 2 of the review.

30 November 2018

Access to co-operative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) and automated vehicle (AV) data should be limited to uses that benefit the general public and improve safety outcomes.

Data generated by C-ITS and AV technologies offers the potential to underpin continued innovation in transport safety and efficiency. However, operators using these systems in their fleets have highlighted the need for driver confidence regarding the protection of their privacy.  
