There is a pressing need for a regulatory and tax reform agenda to enhance productivity and investment in the trucking industry, and as a result, underpin the competitiveness of Australian businesses and supply chains.
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The Australian Trucking Association is strongly disappointed in the combined approach of governments to improve heavy vehicle rest areas and the lack of priority it places on safety and addressing fatigue for drivers.
Concerns have been raised in the industry about the interpretation of possible rear light configurations when additional “tail/stop/indicator lights are added to vehicles (trailers).
The amendments to the HVNL in the Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Act 2016 and this bill are important to the safety of trucking businesses and road users generally. The NHVR and industry bodies have delivered extensive training about the amendments up and down the supply chain. As a result, the ATA considers that the amendments should be proclaimed and brought into force as soon as possible, with minimal or no delay.
The ATA advocates for implementation of an ambitious ‘Towards Zero’ safety culture through the next National Road Safety Strategy (NRSS).
The ATA does not support the rollout of voluntary Electronic Work Diaries, as proposed by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator.
The Australian Government should save 148 lives in the coming years by mandating stability control for new trucks and trailers, the ATA’s response to the consultation regulatory impact statement [PDF, 4.7MB] on mandating stability control for heavy vehicles says.
Road freight is an enabler of opportunity, allowing business to reach domestic and international markets, consumers to purchase goods, farms to sell their produce, and construction materials to enable new developments.
A robust safety assurance system along with legislation and laws to support the use and ongoing compliance of automated vehicles, Automated Driving System Entities (ADSEs) and their users is essential.
The NSW long term transport plan needs to enable greater road freight productivity to boost jobs, living standards and economic growth. Improving truck productivity will improve safety outcomes, reduce fuel use and lower environmental impacts. It also reduces the number of trucks, reducing congestion, noise, and lowering impacts and damage to road pavements.