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16 October 2015

The NTC should de-identify information collected under its proposed Heavy Vehicle Fatigue Data Framework, the ATA has said in this submission to the NTC framework discussion paper.

07 August 2015

The chain of responsibility (CoR) legislation should be streamlined and safety prioritised through the introduction of a general duty that applies to trucking operators, consignors and all other chain parties, the ATA has said in this submission to the NTC’s ‘Primary duties for chain of responsibility parties and executive officer liability’ discussion paper.

31 July 2015

The NT Department of Transport should action its proposed strategic transport infrastructure and regulation actions, the ATA has said in this submission to the draft National Remote and Regional Transport Strategy.

06 July 2015

The ATA’s submission to the Productivity Commission’s business set up, transfer and closure inquiry submitted in February, the ATA provided industry concerns about establishing, running and transferring a business in Australia.

02 July 2015

The time tolerances used in planned electronic work diaries (EWD) should be reviewed after two years, the ATA has said in this submission to the Queensland Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee enquiry into the Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2015.

02 June 2015

The Government must implement road reforms to ensure the trucking industry is able to continue increasing its productivity, the ATA has said in this submission to the Government’s Competition Policy Review.

01 June 2015

The Australian Government should reduce small business tax complexity and remove capital gains tax from family business transfers, the ATA says in this submission to the Government’s Re:think tax discussion paper.

29 May 2015

The ATA has called for changes to the proposed Emissions Reduction Fund safeguard mechanism to avoid penalising trucking businesses in this submission to the Department of the Environment.

29 April 2015

The ATA has called for the Queensland Parliament to defer the commencement of Chapter 2 (Registration) of the Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 until 1 July 2018 in this submission to the Local Government and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015.

10 April 2015

Australia’s road transport ministers should freeze the road user and registration charges paid by trucking operators in 2015-16, the ATA has said in this submission to the National Transport Commission’s (NTC) heavy vehicle road user charge annual adjustment process.
