The Senate should pass government amendments to the fuel tax credits system as part of reintroducing fuel tax indexation, the ATA said in its submission on fuel tax indexation to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee.
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The Australian Tax Office should redraft its motor vehicle expense benchmarks for small trucking businesses, the ATA has said in this submission to the Board of Taxation’s small business tax impediments review.
The Queensland Parliament should fix the broken ‘must carry’ provisions by passing Part 3 of the Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 as is, the ATA has said in this submission to the QLD Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee.
The future competitiveness of Australia’s agricultural industry will be impacted by the trucking industry’s ability to service it, the ATA has said in this submission to the Federal Government.
The Productivity Commission should not support the Heavy Vehicle Charging and Investment (HVCI) Reform process, the ATA’s submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into public infrastructure says.
If the NTC does endorse increasing mass limits for 2 axle buses, it should extend the discussion to ensure these requirements remain consistant across the heavy vehicle industry, the ATA has said in this submission.
These proposed bus mass increases set precedents that would require the NTC to be far more proactive in considering the trucking industry’s long standing requests for increases to steer axle mass on wide tyres and for ultra-wide single tyres as replacement for dual tyres.
The Heavy Vehicle National Law must provide positive duties for parties in the Chain of Responsibility and ensure people are considered innocent until proven guilty, the ATA has said in this submission to the Chain of Responsibility review.
The NTC needs to produce evidence of deficiencies in the current Standard Driving Hours and should not proceed with its suggested review until these are available, the ATA has said in this submission.
In this submission, the ATA has made recommendations to make the Australian Vehicle Standards Rules consistent with the Heavy Vehicle National Regulation, and to account for policy changes that affect these rules.
The Australian Government should increase the trucking industry’s fuel tax credits by 1.04 cents per litre in the 2014-15 Budget. Trucking businesses can claim fuel tax credits through their business activity statements: an increase in fuel tax credits is effectively a tax cut. The increase is one of the recommendations in the ATA’s 2014-15 pre-budget submission.