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18 March 2014

The Heavy Vehicle National Law must provide positive duties for parties in the Chain of Responsibility and ensure people are considered innocent until proven guilty, the ATA has said in this submission to the Chain of Responsibility review.

24 February 2014

The NTC needs to produce evidence of deficiencies in the current Standard Driving Hours and should not proceed with its suggested review until these are available, the ATA has said in this submission.

20 February 2014

In this submission, the ATA has made recommendations to make the Australian Vehicle Standards Rules consistent with the Heavy Vehicle National Regulation, and to account for policy changes that affect these rules.

31 January 2014

The Australian Government should increase the trucking industry’s fuel tax credits by 1.04 cents per litre in the 2014-15 Budget. Trucking businesses can claim fuel tax credits through their business activity statements: an increase in fuel tax credits is effectively a tax cut. The increase is one of the recommendations in the ATA’s 2014-15 pre-budget submission.

17 January 2014

Trucking operators should receive an extra one cent per litre in fuel tax credits and registrations charges should be decreased for 70 per cent of the industry, the ATA has said in this submission to the NTC’s draft 2014 Heavy Vehicle Charges Determination.

20 December 2013

The ATA has called for greater expenditure oversight and transparency in road infrastructure provision in this submission to the Productivity Commission.

The submission recommends implementing basic audit processes and increased funding transparency to encourage efficiency between road agencies.

20 December 2013

In this submission to the NTC, the ATA endorses the idea of a voluntary electronic work diary for drivers to use that aids them with achieving compliance.

However, it does not endorse the model of an electronic work diary (EWD) as proposed. The outline of the EWD approach does not yet adequately justify its introduction. Nor is the concept at a stage that is workable for government or industry.

12 December 2013

Heavy vehicle drivers should be included on the Australian Consolidated Skilled Occupation List, the ATA has said in this submission to the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency.
The Consolidated Skilled Occupation List identifies occupations where recruitment of skilled migrants can fill Australian skill needs that can’t be met through existing programs or by employing, training, skilling and up-skilling Australians.

29 November 2013

In this submission to the Australian Government Parliamentary Inquiry into Intelligent Transport Systems, the ATA says Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) should be used to boost safety and productivity across the nation. It can improve the way the Australian freight task is moved, with productivity enhancing technology in heavy vehicles and modernizing the way heavy vehicles interact with the roads, light vehicles and other freight transport modes.

20 November 2013

The National Transport Commission (NTC) should work on simplifying the heavy vehicle national law to improve safety and compliance, the ATA has said in its latest submission.

The submission is in response to the NTC’s Heavy Vehicle Compliance Review consulation draft.
