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01 February 2008

The ATA was consulted by, and provided submissions to the NTC during the development of the Draft National Transport Policy Framework. This submission expands on those consultations and sets out the trucking industry’s views on the national transport policy’s strategic priority areas.

01 January 2008

Well considered and informed fiscal and regulatory policy for the trucking industry will be crucial for the government if it is to simultaneously achieve its greenhouse reduction targets at least cost to the community, expand the productive capacity of Australian industry and minimise inflationary cost pressures in the economy.

The ATA welcomes the Treasurer’s invitation for submissions on 2008-09 Budget priorities and looks forward to future consultations with the Treasury on policy matters relating to the trucking industry.

01 January 2008

If endorsed by ATC Ministers, the NTC heavy vehicle charges proposal will impose a new and substantially altered schedule of charges on the trucking industry, to be phased in over three years from 1 July 2008.
