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01 February 2011

The ATA believes the Australian Government should compare the safety benefits and costs of safe rates against other road safety measures before going ahead with the concept.

01 February 2011

The ATA believes the final version of the 2011-2020 National Road Safety Strategy should give the planned National Heavy Vehicle Regulator the resources, expertise and authority to take direct carriage of major chain of responsibility investigations.

01 October 2010

Truck drivers working under Basic Fatigue Management should have more ability to split their long rest breaks so they can focus on resting when they are fatigued, the ATA submission to the NTC in response to its discussion paper on improving Basic Fatigue Management says.

01 October 2010

The NTC Heavy Vehicle Pricing Options paper sets out a number of high-level pricing models.
These look at a range of options, including a modified fuel-based charging option which is supported by Industry. Charging reform could be a beneficial policy move provided it is based on accurate information and is economically feasible. It is critical that potential reform in heavy vehicle charges is accompanied by reform in infrastructure funding.

01 July 2010

A voluntary telematics adoption is currently promoted for improved safety and compliance outcomes. The ATA is cautious of any telematics policy that artificially forces adoption on the industry. The use of telematics for other agenda and policy issues, like direct charges, are not supported by industry at this stage; and these should be considered separately.

15 June 2010

The ATA has called for all existing rest areas to be maintaine during the Barton Highway Duplication with improved capability, capacity, services and ideally additional rest opportunities. It is particularly important that shade is available at the completion of the revised rest areas, not some years later as replacement trees grow. At least one rest area in each direction should be provided with water and toilet facilities.

01 May 2010

The ATA has released its response to the National Transport Commission’s regulatory impact statement (RIS) into its review of the Performance Based Standards (PBS) Scheme. The RIS identifies a number of issues with industry take up and examines several options for improving participation, as well as providing certainty of access for PBS vehicles on Australian road networks.

01 January 2010

Reducing barriers to entry and putting road safety first are essential for any driver competency framework, the ATA said in this submission to the Heavy Vehicle Driver Competency working group.

09 September 2009

In this submission to the NTC, the ATA calls for development of a national framework for regulations that recognises, encourages and supports adopters of technology, including existing operator telematics systems.

However, the ATA opposes the mandating of telematics or even linking telematics to additional access as these hurdles will be counterproductive to adoption of technology, including telematics.

01 September 2009

The ATA supports the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program, and calls for expansion of the road train network to be made a priority for this funding.
