The trucking industry supports the need for uniform, streamlined national laws, but the reform options set out in the consultation regulatory impact statement require further consideration and development by the ATA and its members.
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Over the coming decades Australia is facing supply constraints that have the potential, if not appropriately addressed, to impose a devastating restriction upon the nation’s prospects for continued growth and rising prosperity.
Achieving efficient, productive and transparent decisions with respect to network access is a particular challenge facing the trucking industry, with recent difficulties in establishing a workable framework for Performance Based Standards demonstrating continuing difficulties in achieving cross-border cooperation under the current governance framework.
On 24 November 2008, the Treasurer invited Australian families, business and community groups to submit their ideas for the 2009-10 Budget. This submission sets out the views of the Australian Trucking Association, which is the peak body that represents the trucking industry.
The well being of the Australian economy and the community is underpinned by efficient road transport. This requires road usage management arrangements that facilitate using the physical asset to its capacity. The road transport industry had high expectations that Performance Based Standards (PBS) would assist efficiency on a broad scale. Currently this is not the case.
The ATA and its members appreciate this opportunity to make a submission to the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee regarding the inquiry into the Interstate Road Transport Charge Amendment Bill (No.2) 2008 and the Road Charges Legislation Repeal and Amendment Bill 2008.
The document offers a set of model amendments from the ATA into the Road Charges Legislation Repeal and Amendment Bill 2008.
This submission details the views of the members of the ATA and the wider trucking industry on the emissions trading design that are of significance to trucking companies and the industry as a whole.
Establishment of an emissions trading scheme, including all emissions generated in the transport sector, will be the core measure of Australia’s climate change response.
Other measures to sit alongside an emissions trading scheme, including rationalisation of the current patchwork of climate change and energy policies, targeted technology policies which complement carbon pricing signals and responsible microeconomic reforms to deliver productivity, will assist to minimise the cost of achieving Australia’s emission reduction targets.
There is broad agreement within the ATA on many of the issues raised in this enquiry. In particular, the ATA community, including the TWU and the Owner-Driver representative, are in full agreement that safety is of paramount importance and that the key objective must be to resolve the safety issues and that the Chain Of Responsibility (COR) and Fatigue and Speed management reforms will play a core role in addressing these issues.
This submission details the trucking industry’s positions on design of the emissions trading scheme and on appropriate complementary measures to be introduced alongside and emissions trading scheme.