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06 December 2011

The Australian Government should extend its planned energy efficiency information grants to help small firms improve their business practices to cope with the carbon price, the ATA’s submission on the draft guidelines for the Energy Efficiency Information Grants Program says.

02 November 2011

Local government should be encouraged by COAG to adhere to principles of enabling a seamless national economy and other national objectives in order to facilitate communities to be as productive as possible.

21 October 2011

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) should not proceed with mass-distance-location pricing, the ATA has argued in a submission to the COAG Business Regulation and Competition Working Group.

21 October 2011

Local governments should be held to greater scrutiny about how they allocate Commonwealth funds, in conjunction with increased audits to make sure accountability is achieved. The ATA made the recommendation in its submission to the Productivity Commission’s benchmarking study into the role of local government as a regulator.

14 October 2011

The National Transport Commission (NTC) should focus on its core priorities and not issues like obesity and social exclusion, the ATA has said in response to the NTC’s discussion paper about Smart Transport for a Growing Nation.

28 September 2011

The ATA has supported the National Transport Commission’s policy proposal to allow modular B-triples to run on the existing type 1 road train network and other suitable roads.

The proposal would improve road safety, boost productivity and cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The ATA submission in response to the paper has 15 recommendations, including addressing the inconsistent road access and operating conditions across state and territory borders for B-triples.

22 September 2011

The Australian Government should not go ahead with its plan to extend the carbon price to heavy on-road vehicles from 1 July 2014, the ATA has recommended in its submission to the Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Clean Energy Future.

26 August 2011

CRRP review came into being on the recommendations of the Productivity Commission, which implied that the current pricing system needed reforming in order to make a more efficient and productive road supply. However, we believe that COAG’s first reform should be of the supply side agencies that deal with road provision and providing more access.

22 August 2011

The Government should permanently exempt the trucking industry from the carbon tax, the ATA’s submission on the Government’s draft carbon tax bills says. The submission also makes five recommendations for improving the operation of the carbon tax if it is extended to the trucking industry.

17 August 2011

The way the NSW Intelligent Access Program is administered should be adjusted to take into account the latest information and policies regarding higher productivity vehicles.

The ATA made the recommendation in its submission to the NSW Minister for Ports and Roads.

The submission outlines methods of increasing productivity, environmental gains and safety for NSW without increasing infrastructure wear.
