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13 October 2017

Improved productivity and consistency should be the priority for the review and redesign of the national notices for road trains and B-doubles.

This is the focus of joint submissions to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) by the Australian Trucking Association (ATA) and the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA).

12 October 2017

The trucking industry is an Australian success story. Australian trucking operators have pioneered modern, safer, and more productive vehicle designs. Road trains in the outback, B-doubles on our major freight networks, and high productivity vehicle combinations on specific routes are critical to Australian supply chains, with only 10 to 15 per cent of the freight task considered to be contestable across both rail and road.

28 July 2017

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission should ultimately take over regulating toll road and landside port charges, the ATA’s submission on the independent price regulation of heavy vehicle charges says.

28 July 2017

Governments must not impose additional regulatory burdens on businesses seeking to use highly automated vehicles. The ATA’s submission to the NTC on assuring automated vehicle safety voices strong opposition to any regulatory model that threatens trucking businesses or impedes continued innovation.

26 July 2017

The ATA argues that the current policy guiding the positive assessment of infrastructure investments (over $100 million) by Infrastructure Australia must be legislated. Current governance, taxation and institutional arrangements for the provision and funding of roads in Australia is simply not sustainable.

08 June 2017

Vehicles with conditional automation, where an automated driving system drives the vehicle for a sustained period of time but the human driver is ultimately required to maintain proper control of the vehicle, are not yet ready to be approved for use on Australian roads.

19 May 2017

Australia’s climate change policies should include a focus on boosting truck productivity as a cost effective opportunity to reduce emissions from heavy vehicles. This should include increasing width and length requirements, a whole of government approach to reducing barriers to increased use of high productivity freight vehicles, and for improving road access.

Increased heavy vehicle productivity can optimise the energy and fuel use of the entire freight system by reducing the number of trips required to move the freight task.

10 May 2017

The ATA has called for independent, no-blame, safety investigations for road crashes involving heavy or autonomous vehicles in its submission to the House of Representatives standing committee inquiry into the social issues relating to land-based driverless vehicles in Australia.

04 May 2017

Competitive neutrality should be applied to the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS), the ATA has recommended in its submission to the Australian Government’s competitive neutrality review.

21 March 2017

In its submission to Australian Industry Standards (AIS) the ATA has called for safety and driver training to be the key focus for the proposed four year schedule of work for the TLI Transport and Logistics Training Package.

The submission was in response to the Transport and Logistics IRC Skills Forecast Key Findings Discussion Paper 2017.
