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ATA submission to the Liquid Fuel Security Review

07 May 2019

The ATA has called for the next Australian Government to take action on fuel security.

The trucking industry depends on diesel. Without diesel to fuel our trucks, Australia’s supermarkets would be empty. 

Australia has signed an international treaty that says we will maintain an emergency stockpile of 90 days worth of liquid fuel. In December 2018, there was only 22 days of diesel in the whole of Australia.

The ATA submission to the Department of the Environment and Energy’s liquid fuel security review recommends:

  • reviewing the Liquid Fuel Emergency Guidelines 2008 and section 47 of the Liquid Fuel Emergency Act 1984 to ensure that trucking businesses cannot be sued for prioritising customers in line with government policy during a fuel security emergency
  • undertaking a detailed cost benefit analysis of introducing closer to real-time information monitoring of petroleum statistics
  • delivering a national HPFV network, to move more freight with less fuel
  • review and amend Australian Design Rules and in-service vehicle regulations to enable greater use of more fuel-efficient heavy vehicle solutions
  • ensuring a positive investment environment for the take up of newer and alternative fuelled vehicles, and for investment in refuelling/recharging infrastructure
  • implementing a road user charging scheme for electric vehicles and other vehicles which do not pay existing fuel duty, even if initial charges are set low to encourage uptake
  • a staged plan for development of a national fuel reserve.

Read the submission below. 
