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26 April 2023

Trucking Australia - the Report is a snapshot of the industry in 2023. The industry finds itself at a pivotal moment with the burden of the last few years, unresolved long-term problems and future technology and transition challenges.

20 February 2023

Australia’s transport ministers should freeze heavy vehicle charges in 2023-24 and increase them 2.75 per cent in each of 2024-25 and 2025-26, the ATA’s response to a December 2022 consultation report on these charges says.

01 November 2022

Zero emission trucks must be included in the National Electric Vehicle Strategy to lower costs, lower emissions and enable more choice for trucking operators.

14 October 2022

ATA submission to the National Transport Commission on options for setting heavy vehicle charges for 2023-24 and beyond.

12 August 2022

ATA submission to the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee on the Climate Change Bill 2022 and the Climate Change (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2022.

26 July 2022

The Australian Capital Territory is uniquely placed to be a leader in the electrification of trucks. Urban transport tasks represent the best opportunity to accelerate truck electrification in the short term , and the ACT is a predominantly urban jurisdiction.

15 June 2022

ATA submission to the ACCC on the proposed spectrum sharing between Telstra and TPG to deliver better regional mobile phone coverage.

11 May 2022

On 9 May 2022, the ATA and the state and territory based member associations wrote a co-signed open letter to the Prime Minister, calling for the restoration of the fuel tax credit. 

25 March 2022
The word ‘circus’ conjures up images of colourful clowns, trapeze artists and popcorn.
However, to the trucking industry, the word ‘circus’ is what they’re using to describe the National Transport Commission’s review of the Heavy Vehicle National Law.
The review has dragged on since 2018 and there’s no end in sight. So many of us have made submission after submission and yet there’s been no movement at all.
To say it’s disappointing is an absolute understatement.
10 March 2022

Businesses should be able to provide dangerous goods documents to regulators in electronic form, the ATA’s submission on the 2022 amendments to the model dangerous goods regulations says.
