11 May 2022
On 9 May 2022, the ATA and the state and territory based member associations wrote a co-signed open letter to the Prime Minister, calling for the restoration of the fuel tax credit.
The letter clearly sets out the case for restoring the fuel tax credit, explaining that the recent changes threaten the viability of 53,000 trucking businesses and the economy.
The letter warns that operators are realising that they will not survive the next 6 months due to the loss of the tax credit.
The letter also warns that the food supply chain can only keep shop shelves stocked if operators can offset the loss of the tax credit and that the current situation will add $20 per week to the average household’s food bill. This will negate the cost of living relief which the Government sought to provide.
The letter explains how many truck operators rely heavily upon the tax credit when completing their business activity statements.
The letter says the tax credit has been an integral component of truck operators’ business model for decades. That model incorporates the certainty of the return of a significant amount through the tax credit. They then offset the tax credit against a substantial portion of their business activity statement obligations.
The letter warns that truck operators can’t be expected to absorb the financial burden of the cuts to the fuel tax credit. It also warns that operators who can’t replace or offset that financial burden will inevitably collapse in coming months.
The letter asks that if the Prime Minister is re-elected, he should ensure the fuel tax credit be restored retrospectively to 30 March 2022.