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Media Releases

12 April 2017

Extended payment times are a growing problem for small trucking businesses and must be fixed, the Chair of the Australian Trucking Association, Geoff Crouch, said today.

12 April 2017

The Australian Trucking Association had urged everyone to make an eggcellent decision and drive safely this Easter long weekend.

07 April 2017

“The freight industry as we know it today is set to dramatically different by 2050. Mega trends like demographic changes in populations and technological innovation will change and impact every aspect of how we do business along the value chain.

06 April 2017

The Australian Trucking Association (ATA) has elected Geoff Crouch as its new Chair. Mr Crouch was elected unopposed at the ATA’s annual general meeting in Canberra yesterday.

31 March 2017

Maintaining and improving safety, viability and professionalism must be the focus for the trucking industry, the CEO of the Australian Trucking Association (ATA), Ben Maguire said today at the Livestock and Bulk Rural Carriers Association, (LBRCA) conference.

30 March 2017

The Australian Trucking Association is urging Queensland trucking businesses to stay safe, stay off the roads and follow police directions. 

30 March 2017

Noelene Watson will retire as the Chair of the Australian Trucking Association at the organisation’s annual general meeting on 5 April 2017.

27 March 2017

Safety and driver training must be the focus of the four year work plan for the Transport and Logistics training package, the Chair of the Australian Trucking Association, Noelene Watson, said today.

24 March 2017

The Volvo ATA Safety Truck has been awarded a finalist certificate in the community program category of the 2017 Australian Road Safety Awards.

23 March 2017

John Beer, from Romsey, Victoria, and Lynley Miners, from Adaminaby, New South Wales, have been elected to the General Council of the Australian Trucking Association in the 2017 trucking industry elections. 


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