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Media Releases

27 February 2018

Australia’s top design students will focus on helping young car drivers share the road safely with trucks as part of the 2018 Re:act challenge, launched today at the Automotive Centre of Excellence in Melbourne.

26 February 2018

The trucking industry welcomes the appointment of Michael McCormack as the new Minister for Infrastructure and Transport and as Deputy Prime Minister, the Chair of the Australian Trucking Association, Geoff Crouch, said today.

22 February 2018

The ATA will hold two vital business and safety workshops at Trucking Australia 2018 in April, ahead of changes to the Heavy Vehicle National Law.

13 February 2018

The ATA does not support the rollout of voluntary electronic work diaries as proposed by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, ATA Safety and Skills Adviser Melissa Weller said today.

09 February 2018

The Australian Government should save 148 lives in the coming years by mandating stability control for new trucks and trailers, the Chair of the Australian Trucking Association, Geoff Crouch, said today.

08 February 2018

The ATA is now calling for nominations for the 2018 National Trucking Industry Awards.

01 February 2018

Australia’s smartest innovators will head to Canberra this April to hack through one of the trucking industry’s most complex safety issues – driver fatigue management.

The Australian Trucking Association’s FatigueHACK will create new technologies, designs, products, partnerships and policy.

01 February 2018

Australia’s governments need to put in place long term solutions to road safety as well as undertaking police blitzes, the Chair of the Australian Trucking Association, Geoff Crouch, said today.

22 January 2018

The NSW Government and the trucking industry will work together on a plan to improve truck safety.

Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight Melinda Pavey said industry has the expertise, knowledge and understanding to improve safety and productivity for heavy vehicles and in turn for all motorists.

12 January 2018

The Australian Trucking Association with TruckSafe is the latest to join the National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP) as a new partner.


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