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Customer service needs to be the focus of roads

21 September 2017

Improving the customer service experience for road users’ needs to be a central focus for governments’ management of the road network, the Chair of the Australian Trucking Association, Geoff Crouch, said today.

Mr Crouch was speaking following the release of a research report on measuring infrastructure asset performance and customer satisfaction from the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics.

“This timely report on developing an infrastructure and customer satisfaction framework identifies service quality attributes that should be measured to improve the customer service of infrastructure,” Mr Crouch said.

“Additional economic gains from infrastructure relies on its efficient management, operation and use.

“The report identifies the importance of cost, access, safety, reliability, timeliness, user amenity and information for how customers interact with infrastructure, including roads.”

Critically, performance monitoring of roads should also be extended to privately run toll roads.

“Australia is experiencing ever-increasing, unsustainable, and unfair toll increases on heavy vehicles but without any measurement of this funding better services to the users paying these costs,” Mr Crouch said.

Focusing on outcomes would build on the trucking industry’s recommendations to the Australian Government on the priorities for improving Australia’s supply chains.

“The ATA has made detailed recommendations to Government on improving supply chains for the wider economy by improving our road network,” Mr Crouch said.

“We need to set service standards for roads which establish the service that users can rely on, including standards on safety, access for heavy vehicles, mobile data access, and the provision of rest areas.

“There also needs to be fair and competitive supply chain costs, with independent regulation of heavy vehicle charges, toll road charges and landside port charges.

“Governments should establish independent management and funding of our roads that are focused on improving customer service for road users through better safety, access, reliability and cost.”
