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Report calls for 24 hour permit approvals

18 May 2018

The ATA has welcomed the focus of an Australian Government inquiry into national freight and supply chain priorities. 

The Deputy Prime Minister, Michael McCormack, launched the report at today’s ministerial Transport and Infrastructure Council meeting in Darwin. The report’s key recommendations focus on boosting productivity, improving road access and streamlining the permit approval process. 

The ATA and its member associations have called for an urgent, independent and agile review of the Heavy Vehicle National Law, including road access approvals. This report supports the many industry voices that have joined together in calling for this review.

The report recommends: 

  • the streamlining and review of permit approvals, with the aim of reducing the approval period on key freight routes to 24 hours
  • improving road access and targeting investment to key freight routes and last mile access
  • the expansion of infrastructure investment programs to improve road access for high productivity and oversize/overmass vehicles
  • the reinvestment of road charges revenue to road infrastructure investments
  • better consideration of freight in urban and land use planning
  • improving infrastructure for regional supply chains, including sealing roads and providing mobile phone coverage and broadband. 

View the 18 May issue or subscribe to get future issues here.