Australian Trucking Association Chief Executive Officer, Stuart St Clair, has called on Australia’s truck drivers to lead by example and drive safely over the Easter/Anzac Day holiday period.
“With Tuesday 26 April being a public holiday, creating an extended five day Easter break, we can expect more cars on the road than usual. Professional drivers know the rules, and we are the ones who should be setting an example for holiday motorists,” Mr St Clair said.
“At the same time, I ask motorists to remember that truck drivers want to get home to their families too, but our trucks perform differently to cars.
“Here are a few tips that motorists can follow to make their trip safer:
- Don’t cut in front of trucks as they slow for traffic lights or when you’re out on the highway. A truck needs a greater distance to stop than you expect, because they are much heavier than cars.
- Don’t overtake trucks when they are turning. Trucks often need to turn from the centre lane at intersections and corners, so stay well back. Remember, if you can’t see the truck driver’s side mirrors, the truck driver can’t see you.
- Please be patient if the truck in front of you slows down when it’s going up a hill; we’re doing our best. If you want to overtake, make sure you can see enough clear road ahead.”
Mr St Clair reminded motorists that this holiday period presents a whole new set of challenges for all road users with school students on their term one holiday break also.
“Motorists often feel under pressure to push on to their destination, even though they’re tired, truck drivers are legally required to take regular breaks; you should too. The best way we can all get home for Easter is to share the road safely,” Mr St Clair said.