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Nominations open for trucking industry training award

18 February 2016

Nominations have today opened for the trucking industry’s National Training Excellence Award. In 2016, this award will recognise businesses and programs that demonstrate a specific focus on driver training.

This award is one of the National Trucking Industry Awards, which acknowledge the achievements of individuals and organisations in all fields of endeavour throughout the road freight transport industry.

ATA Chief Executive Christopher Melham said the training excellence award acknowledged those who look to the future of the industry.

“Training is one of the most essential pillars of industry safety. But it’s a quiet achiever – incidents that never happened don’t make media headlines,” Mr Melham said.

“Businesses that focus on training look beyond today’s profits to invest in tomorrow. This dedication to safety and our industry’s future deserves recognition.

“With the freight task continuing to increase, we have chosen to recognise driver training as the focus of this year’s award. Even as truck technology continues to improve, the professional driver is still the greatest safety feature.”

With the addition of the Training Excellence Award, four of the National Trucking Industry Awards are currently open for nominations.

These are the:

  • Outstanding Contribution to the Australian Trucking Industry;
  • National Trucking Industry Woman of the Year;
  • National Professional Driver of the Year; and the
  • National Training Excellence Award.

Nominations for these awards must be received by Monday 21 March 2016.

The awards will be presented on Saturday 25 June on the Gold Coast at a gala dinner sponsored by the ATA’s Foundation Sponsors: BP Australia, National Transport Insurance and Volvo Group Australia. The dinner is part of Trucking Australia 2016, the ATA’s peak industry event.

The Don Watson Memorial Award and the TruckSafe John Kelly Memorial Award will also be presented on the night.

To make a nomination, go to For more information about Trucking Australia 2016 or to purchase a ticket for the awards night, go to

