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Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA) and TruckSafe announce carriage of Animal Welfare Accreditation

06 May 2024
Working with the TruckSafe Board, ALRTA will review, design, and relaunch a world class Animal Welfare Accreditation program for the road transport of animals within Australia in partnership with NTI.  
This agreement comes after several months of consultation, reaching agreement that ALRTA is best placed to manage and maintain on-road animal welfare accreditation for those participating in the livestock supply chain in Australia.  The new program will be developed in partnership with NTI and will support consigners, transporters and consignees meet their driver and animal welfare obligations.  
ALRTA Executive Director Rachel Smith said: “Given the importance our members place on the safe and humane transportation of animals. It is an exciting time for ALRTA and its members, having developed the original TruckCare accreditation scheme that eventually formed part of TruckSafe. I’d like to thank the TruckSafe Board for their support in this transition and look forward to further collaboration as the new program is developed.  
TruckSafe Board Chair, Paul Fellows said:  “Trucksafe has always been owned by industry for industry and the Trucksafe Board are delighted to see our Animal Welfare Module return home to ALRTA and the livestock industry.” 
Those operators with expiring or expired accreditations will be extended to 30 June 2025.  Operators concerned about their expiry date are encouraged to contact ALRTA.  
ALRTA and NTI will work with supply chain participants, animal welfare groups, regulators, and operators over coming months to ensure best practice is embedded in the accreditation process.  
Media contact:
ALRTA: Rachel Smith, Executive Director | 
Australian Trucking Association:
About ALRTA:
The Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA) is the peak body representing road transport businesses servicing the agricultural supply chain, with a primary aim to work with governments, industry, community and media to ensure that rural road transport is a safe, responsible and a productive part of regional economies and communities. To find out more visit the ALRTA website.
About TruckSafe:
TruckSafe is an initiative of the Australian Trucking Association and is a world class business and risk management system that improves the safety and professionalism of trucking operators nationwide. TruckSafe is moving from a prescriptive standards-based accreditation scheme to a simple and flexible risk-based safety management system. To find out more visit the TruckSafe website