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ATA announces new TruckSafe appointees

06 October 2017

Two new directors have been appointed to the Australian Trucking Association’s TruckSafe Board.

Nathan Cecil and Peter Elliot will work with other board members to underscore safe and responsible operations in the industry and help deliver the TruckSafe safety accreditation program.

Mr Cecil is a Partner in Holding Redlich’s national transport team and is a recognised leading expert in the transport sector. He specialises in shipping, logistics, road transport and trade law, and has particular expertise in heavy vehicle regulation and chain of responsibility laws. He was named one of Australia’s best lawyers in transportation, trade and international arbitration in the 2016 AFR Best Lawyers in Australia guide.

Mr Elliot has been part of the trucking industry for more than 40 years and has worked across numerous operations and industry sectors. For the past decade, he has specialised in compliance, both as an operator being audited, and as a manager of compliance schemes. He is also safety program manager for the Australian Logistics Council where he oversees the National Logistics Safety Code and Retail Logistics Safety Code.

TruckSafe Chair Ferdie Kroon has welcomed the appointment of Mr Cecil and Mr Elliot to the Board.

“Nathan and Peter have a proven track record in this area and will bring a set of strong, industry focused skills to the board, as well as fresh views and perspectives to strengthen our team.

“Putting safety first in trucking operations is our priority, and these new appointments will strengthen our capacity to deliver safety outcomes nationally,” he said.

“Their skills and expertise in this area will be a valuable addition to the TruckSafe Board, and we are looking forward to working with them.”

About TruckSafe

TruckSafe––a business and risk management system to improve the safety and professionalism of trucking operators nationally––sets the standards a trucking business should meet for it to be a safe, responsible operation.

It is a wholly owned subsidiary company of the Australian Trucking Association and its integrity is managed by the TruckSafe Industry Accreditation Council. Members achieve accreditation through independent auditing and are bound by the TruckSafe Code of Conduct.

Accreditation under the system shows that operators are meeting their due diligence and duty of care. It also provides customers with the confidence that operators have responsible work practices, well maintained vehicles, healthy and trained drivers, and appropriate management systems in place.
