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Candidate nomination form

Candidate nominations for the 2025 ATA election are now open and close at 5pm Canberra time on 21 February 2025.

Eligibility rules

Under the ATA election regulations, candidates for the single truck owner driver position on the ATA General Council must be:

  • a person (including directors and/or shareholders of a company and trustees and beneficiaries of a trust) who owns, is purchasing or leasing one truck over 4.5 tonnes and drives it
  • registered to vote in ATA elections
  • a member of an ATA member association.

Candidates for the small fleet operator position must be:

  • a person (including directors and/or shareholders of a company and trustees and beneficiaries of a trust) who owns, is purchasing or leasing 2-5 trucks over 4.5 tonnes
  • registered to vote in ATA elections
  • a member of an ATA member association.

Candidate statements

Candidates may submit a 500 word statement prior to the close of nominations. This statement will be made available to voters through the online election portal with their ballot papers.

The statement:

  • must not comment on other nominees or organisations or be defamatory
  • should promote the policies of the nominee
  • be submitted in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format.

Nomination fee

There is a nomination fee of $80 (incl GST). Nominated candidates will be issued with a tax invoice for the fee. The fee must be paid before the nomination can be finalised.

Close of nominations

Candidate nominations will close at 5pm Canberra time on 21 February 2025.

More information about the 2025 ATA election

Available here

Personal Details
Business Details
To nominate as a candidate, you must have between one and five trucks.
Other nomination requirements
You must be registered to vote to nominate. To register, visit
You must be in an ATA member association to be a candidate in this election
You can only nominate for one of the two positions
You may submit a statement of up to 500 words that will be made available to voters. Statements should promote your policies and must not comment on other candidates or organisations or be defamatory. Alternatively, you can email your statement to (MS Word or rich text format only) before the close of nominations.